Corks for a Cause Update 5/22/18

Message from Kristin Patrick.  Email her for more info at:

1. We have gotten 40 bottles of wine donated so far - thanks to those who have donated! But we need many many more. Please spread the word to others esp to those not in this email as I only had emails from those who went on this year's trip. We will take any donations (1 or 2 bottles is fine) of nice wine ($20+ value as they will be sold for $20 and we'd like people to get the same or better value). If you've already told me you are good for a donation, then I have you down and thank you.

2. Donations can be dropped in the box outside the door at 21 Wendt Ave, Larchmont (brought in nightly) or if you are very busy, you can just call Winetasters (914-834-0800) and order wine. Winestasters is offering a 10% discount for all donations and they will deliver the wine to me. Thanks to Jane Symington for arranging that.

3. The corks from last year have gone missing. We could use some corks as well. If you have any, please let me know or if anyone knows the Vintage folks and could ask them to collect some for us, that would be great. We have a different (easier) method that doesn't actually involve the use corks and they are just for decoration but we could use about 50 -100 corks but if we don't end up getting them, it's OK.

4. We will be wrapping/stuffing wine bottles Tuesday May 29th at 7:30 at my house (21 Wendt Ave). Happy to have any help but we can whip it out with just a few people so no worries if you can't make that as my kids have already been recruited as well to help :)

The most important thing at this point is the wine donations which we need by TUESDAY MAY 29th in order to wrap them.

Thank you!